Dear Neighbor,

I thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself, and want to share with you why I am running as a Democrat to be your next State Senator.

I care deeply about Johnston, and the people that live and work here. I will advocate tirelessly for our residents and seniors.  I will make sure Johnston gets its fair share and people get a fair shake. 

Some people say they can deliver for Johnston, I've actually done it.

My road to running as a first time Senate Candidate has been a winding road, paved with hard work and a desire to be of service to others, advocating for people that do not feel they have a voice.

As a single Mom back in 2002, when purchasing my very first home, I chose to live in Johnston, and raise my family here.  I have lived here for the last 22 years. 

My parents worked hard in blue collar, mill jobs, for their entire lives.  We lived in a mill community in Woonsocket when I was growing up, close to where the work was happening.  As the youngest of 4 kids, at a young age I became aware of how hard it can be for families to make ends meet in a difficult economy.  I know most families in Johnston face these same struggles now, fighting to keep up with rising costs and wages that just don’t keep pace.

My parents relocated our family to Burrillvillle when I started middle school. I graduated from Burrillville Jr. Sr. High School in 1987.  I was blessed with my son in 1988 and then blessed with my daughter, soon after, in 1990. My support system wasn’t able to help financially, and my family was not equipped to assist with child care. I was lucky to be able to forge life-long friendships that helped my young family through all of this.  These relationships are my support system, my foundation, and my rocks, to this day. 

Being a young mom right out of high school and barely in my 20s, I worked in the service/restaurant industry. It was a daily challenge juggling work and raising young kids.  By my 30s, I found construction – I worked my way up to project manager and safety specialist, working in power plants up and down the East Coast.  In my 40s, I began my career in public service – assisting with the State’s disaster recovery efforts, in coordination with our Federal partners at FEMA, after the Floods of 2010, Hurricanes’ Irene and Sandy, and Blizzard and snow disasters in 2014 and 2015.

I see so many families and parents struggling with the same issues I had as a young parent.  We need to do more to support parents, particularly in making sure childcare is available and affordable for all working families in our state, and we invest in high quality schools.

It took so much hard work, but I have made my way to where I am today.   I’m a Mom of successful adult children and ‘bonus’ children, a Grammy to 4 beautiful grandchildren, and I have become known as a well respected and sought after source of expert knowledge in my professional life.

I love Johnston and I want to give back by bringing my experience where it is needed now.
I will make sure that having a safe and healthy home and sustainable career opportunities are available to all who are willing to work for it.  Unfortunately both are becoming increasingly out of reach to too many in our community.  

I will advocate to level the playing-field for all, because if you work hard, you should be able to get ahead and retire comfortably and with dignity.  I didn’t start out with any advantages, but experience has taught me that being compensated for your hard work should be equitable for everyone.  I have fought for equal opportunity throughout my career. 

I will continue to advocate for people like you and I, who too often feel left out of the conversation at the State House. Our most critical Johnston residents - our young, our older residents, our working families, our Moms and Dads - will be represented by the next State Senator for district 25. This election can’t be more of the status quo, there’s just too much on the line for all of us.  The current political landscape requires more than the same old network and favors for friends in high places. We need strong representation for the people.

I have spent time working closely with the men and women of the labor unions in Rhode Island.  I believe we need to do everything we can to support workers.

Over the last 15 years, I completed certification courses to validate my experiential knowledge from working all those years, AND raise my wages so I could begin earning a living wage finally (without requiring 3 jobs to do it!). I have received awards from my peers and co-workers, for creating a safer and more secure work environment.  I have earned approximately 40 FEMA certifications. My project management and OSHA safety certifications play a critical role in managing and anticipating risk, BEFORE reactive decisions are made.  These certifications and the knowledge they require have advanced my career, and they will support my effective advocacy for your needs as your State Senator. 

 These experiences have given me the tools to balance budgets, find and eliminate wasteful spending, and get the most out of our resources and workforces.

At my core, I am an emergency manager. These skills directly translate to the skills essential to being an effective legislator. The key to being a great emergency manager is the planning, preparing and mitigation that comes LONG before the emergency happens. The ability to respond during an urgent or emergent event is critical when life safety and security are at stake. Understanding how to improve the recovery process for residents, businesses, and communities after an emergency is equally important.  The stakes of legislating are no different.  

My life experience and training as an emergency manager uniquely qualifies me to prioritize issues based on urgency, maintain clear communication to my constituents, and ensure that I am elevating and resolving the issues that are most important to our community.  I will be prepared for whatever challenges face our community, and be ready to respond as your advocate for the resources and laws that are needed.

Why am I running? Easy. I love Johnston!  It’s the perfect blend of a small town ‘feel’ to raise kids and close enough to the jobs and resources of Rhode Island’s cities.  And we have the BEST food anywhere – our local restaurants rival anywhere else in the state, without question!

Our community is made up of people like you and me. Hard working families, people looking for a safe and secure place to live, raise families, and retire.

I am proud of the ways I have already been able to give back to our community. Whether that be working with first responders to coordinate with state and local partners before, during, and after disasters since 2010, or working with IBEW Locals 99 and 2323 hosting grassroots fundraisers that have generated over $100,000 donated to local charities such as:

The RI Fire Chiefs Honor Flight (War Veterans to DC Memorial), Operation Stand Down, DMAT (volunteer first responders), The Tomorrow Fund, RI Labor History Society, Day One, Pink Heals, The Providence Canteen, AMOS House, The Jonnycake Center, NICO’s Tree, The Shriners, MS Society of New England

It has been so uplifting to see the positive impact our hard work and the generous donations from the community have been able to achieve.

I truly believe that it’s time for a working woman’s voice to be heard at the senate level - we need someone who has ‘walked the walk’. The adversity and obstacles I have had to overcome in life have not been easy, but they have equipped me to be an effective advocate for you at the State House.  My planning expertise and the understanding of how state and local government works is invaluable.  Having experienced (and continuing to experience) many of the issues that most residents face day to day - making a good living, affording housing and rising costs, and doing our best to give our children and grandchildren a better life than we had - gives me a unique perspective in this race relative to my opponents. Because of my experience I am best able to represent your needs and those of working people and seniors.

I am drawn to be of service to others.  I am energized by helping people. As your next State Senator, I am ready to achieve even greater impact to help our community and residents, but also because Johnston cannot afford more of the same. 

I will advocate for our seniors to make sure they can afford to continue living in our community and fight back against corporate greed.

I will champion working families to increase family-sustaining career opportunities and ensure our neighborhoods are safe and we continue to improve our schools.

I will be a fierce advocate to preserve and improve our open spaces, our parks, playgrounds, riverbanks and waterfronts for future generations to enjoy.

I look forward to listening to the concerns and innovative ideas of my neighbors and colleagues.  

Together, we will create collaborative solutions for Johnston, our State, and for future generations.  

I look forward to meeting you as I go door-to-door and host events this year to listen and learn to our community, and ensure that I am working on the issues that the people of Johnston care most about.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at or


Pam Leary

Democrat for State Senate (District 25, Johnston)